CCC Standards for Bird-Safe Buildings...
yes. CollidEscape is compliant and perfect for California Coastal Commission oversight projects!
you can read all about the standard direct from the ordinance below, or contact us to cut through the noise and speak to an expert HERE
2021 Coastal Commission Certified Southeast Area Specific Plan (SEASP)
the Southeast Area Development and Improvement Plan was the first Planned Development District in the City of Long Beach. Often referred to as SEADIP, the document guided land use and development for this 1,500-acre area in southeast Long Beach during a period of rapid growth. The latest iteration, the Southeast Area Specific Plan 2060 (SEASP) was adopted by the City Council on Sep. 19, 2017. On October 8, 2020, the California Coastal Commission (CCC) held a hearing for the LCPA (LCPA No. 1-19 [LCP-5-LOB-19-0008-1]) in conjunction with the local adoption of SEASP. The CCC recommended certification of the LCPA with required modifications. The required CCC modifications were presented and adopted by the City Council on July 13, 2021. On September 8, 2021, the CCC certified SEASP. By prioritizing the maintenance of valuable natural resources, customizing land use and development standards as well as identifying locations for future development, SEASP guides the City and its southeast residents toward a prosperous future.