Illinois Standards for Bird-Safe Buildings...
yes. CollidEscape is compliant and perfect for Illinois!
you can read all about the standard direct from the State law below, or contact us to cut through the noise and speak to an expert HERE
Department of Central Management Services Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.

Sec. 405-317. Bird-safe State buildings.
(a) Each State building constructed, acquired, or of which
more than 50% of the façade is substantially altered, in the
opinion of the Department's Bureau of Property Management,
shall meet, as determined by the Director
Summary of Bird-Safety Glass Act Now Law in Illinois
A bird-friendly act took effect in Illinois on January 1, 2022, in hopes of reducing the number or bird fatalities.
The act explains the standards for 90% of f​​açade materials from the ground level to 40 feet of a structure should use secondary facades, netting, screens, shutters, and exterior shades to mitigate bird collisions and not obscure vision from inside. The glass used in this part of the façade must be opaque, etched, stained, frosted or translucent. If not, it has to be patterned glass that contains contrasting patterns that are visible to birds, patterns on glass designed in accordance with a rule that restricts horizontal spaces to less than 2 inches high and vertical spaces to less than 4 inches wide.
On areas of the façade above 40 feet, 60% of the exposed material must follow these standards. Additionally, there cannot be any transparent corners, and any glass adjacent to atria or courtyards containing water features, plants, and any other materials that birds could find attractive must also meet the standards.
According to the act, "the requirements... shall only apply to State buildings under the management or control of the Department [Bureau of Property Management], but does not include buildings leased by the Department."
The legislation also allows the director of the Bureau of Property Management to take necessary actions to ensure bird mortality is monitored at each State building. Additionally, it does not apply to buildings or sites listed, or eligible for listing, on the National Register of Historic Places; the Governor's Mansion; the state's Supreme Court Building, the Old State Capitol Building in Springfield, III.; the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum and the Illinois State Capitol Building.