Madison WI Standards for Bird-Safe Buildings...
yes. CollidEscape is compliant and perfect for Madison; is even made in Wisconsin!
you can read all about the standard direct from the ordinance below, or contact us to cut through the noise and speak to an expert HERE
Madison City Ordinance 20-00069

Bird-Safe Vision Glass Treatment Requirements:
Glass areas on the following buildings or structures shall be treated to reduce the risk of bird collisions by incorporating a pattern of visual markers that are either: a) dots or other isolated shapes that are ¼” in diameter or larger and spaced at no more than a two-inch (2”) by two four-inch (2”x4”) pattern; or
b) lines that are 1/8” in width or greater and spaced no more than 2” apart of visual markers; low reflectance opaque materials; building-integrated structures like non-glass double-skin facades, metal screens, fixed solar shading, exterior insect screens, and other features that cover the glass surface that mute reflections on glass surfaces; or other similar mitigation treatments method approved by the Zoning Administrator (CollidEscape approved)